
Getting started with us is as easy as a phone call.

We are here to help. Even if you're unsure of what tasks you can delegate, call us for a no-obligation chat about what we can offer your business.


The second step is to get to know how your business ticks.

It is important to understand your customers, what you offer, and what systems/processes you currently have in place. 

We'll ask you all sorts of questions about the kind of tasks that consume your time, the ones you would prefer not to do, and those you do not have the skill or time for.  This allows us to offer you what works best for your business.


There is some upfront stuff to get tidied away to ensure we get things off to the best start. 

Together we will complete a comprehensive onboarding process, which will require you to set up a few things to ensure we have the right access, systems, and processes in place to get things done.  We'll help you every step of the way.


Getting your own dedicated Mrs Tradie Office Lady Extraordinaire.

Now is the time for us to hand you over to your own dedicated Mrs Tradie Office Lady. We'll outline the tasks to be completed on a monthly basis and you can reap the benefits of having your own Office Lady!


Getting ahead.

It's pretty awesome raising the bar and achieving that feeling of getting ahead. The hard work is over and you'll start to see the productivity benefits.

Communication will then be the key to continued success.